Upon joining our newsletter, you will receive confirmation email
and you must click on confirmation link to be opt-in with our newsletter.
When / if you forward the email to your friends/family which was sent to you on your email account, please remove "unsubscribe" paragraph from that email, (which is on bottom of the email). If the person you forward the email, clicks on unsubscribe, It will be your email address which will be removed form you receiving future email (not the one who clicked it) as the email and unsubscribe link is assigned to your email address not anyone who you forward it to.
if you didn't you receive CLPS email, Please check your Junk / Spam folder and ensure it's not in there. If you find the email in there, please add our email address to your email directory and/or favorite, so all future emails are in your inbox instead of junk. If you have any concerns Please feel free to email us.